English abstract
This study aimed at examining the relationship between the use of Social Media Programs and family cohesion among study population, through the achievement of the following sub-goals:
1. Investigate the nature of Social Media Programs use among a sample of families' members in Almussanah.
2. Identify the relationship between the use of Social Media Programs and family participation, sympathy for the family, family communication, family appreciation and respect, the emotional stability of the family, the strength of the family in facing difficulties and crises and family suffering.
The theoretical framework of the study was based on the issues that have been raised by the various theoretical approaches which directly related to the study issue. In fact, most of these approaches depended on the descriptive method which analyzes the data quantitatively.
The sample of the study was hundred and thirty (130) families in Almusanah, using a non probability sample through the available way. Moreover, a questionnaire that included a number of quantity questions was the main data collection tool in this study.
Data analysis of the study revealed the following:
1. The results indicated that the level of Social Media Programs use was in its highest average among sons depending on their high level of hours of use, years of experience in using these programs and the number of programs used.
2. Whatsapp was the most preferred Social Media Program by all the studied categories compared with the other programs.
3. The results of the study revealed that the level of family cohesion among the study population is located within the scale of the high level which was (3.77).
4. The results of the study showed that emotional stability of the families was within its very high level, while sympathy which followed by family crisis, family appreciation and respect, family participation, and family communication respectively fell within the high level. The last aspect was family suffering which located in a lower level.
5. The study revealed that there was a correlation relationship between the average of the hours spend by sons using Social Media Program and family bonding aspects, while this correlation relationship did not appear among other variables.
The study was concluded by a number of proposals to reduce the impact of the use of Social Media Programs on family bonding.