English abstract
There are several aims to be achieved out of the value of the book being studied. First, it is an endeavor to publish Omani manuscripts on Arabic Language. Second, it aims at manifesting the production of one of the prominent scholars of Oman as his first book reveals signs of his pioneering, giving, concerns and ambition. Third, it aims at bringing out the scientific content cited.
This thesis falls into two sections; the first one is a study including an introduction and three chapters. The introduction is about the author in brief, his name and kinship, nickname, birth, part of his scholarly life, tutors, students, most important works, books, death and elegies.
The first chapter is about the book ( Al I'rab А'n Qawa'ed Al I'rab), written by Inb Hisham Al Ansari (761 of Higrah), which Imam Al Salmi used as basis for his book of this study. The section deals with six areas of research; the author. name of the book, its relation to other titles by the same author. comparing it to two other books by the author which carried its scientific content- the first is a brief one titled Al Qawa'ed Al Sughra and the second is rather elaboration titled Mughni Al Labib A'n Kutub Al A'areeb, effect of Al I'rab А'n Qawa'ed Al I'rab, and importance of this book with Imam Al Salmi .
The second chapter is about the book of the study in thirteen areas of research; its title inquiry, intended meaning of its title, its relation to the author, motives of composing the poetry and explaining it, time of writing the book, its order among books of Imam Al Salmi, its sources, its methodology and approach, its supporting examples, its terminology, its effect, tribute of the book, describing its manuscript, and some images of its pages.
The third chapter is around the scholarly character of Imam Al Salmi through his book. It includes three areas of research. First, the intellectual development of Imam Al Salmi between the two issues of his book in 1305 of Higrah and the second after 10 years in 1315 of Higrah, and the developments occurred on the poetry and its explanation. Second, elaboration and discussion
of Imam Al Salmi to the basis book (Al I'rab А'n Qawa'ed Al I'rab). Third, views of Imam Al Salmi and his discussion of other scholars views.
The second section is on the edited script including four topics; explaining of sentence and its types and grammar, phrases (adverbs of time and place, and nouns preceded by prepositions), explaining important words to the grammarian, and indicating some edited sentences
Below are the most important results concluded by the study: 1. The book of Al I'rab А'n Qawa'ed Al I'rab is the same book titled Al
Qawa'ed Al Kubra, and its brief is named Al Qawa'ed Al Sugra, or Al Nukat, or Nukat Yaseerah Muktasarah min Al I'rab A'n Qawa'ed Al I'rab or Nukat yaseerah Muktasarah min Qawa'ed Al I'rab or Nukat Ibn Hisham min Qawa'ed Al I'rab or Nubthat Al I'rab, or Mukhtasar Qawa'ed Al I'rab, or al Qawa'ed. The three books of Ibn Hisham Al Ansari Al I'rab A'n Qawa'ed Al I'rab and Al Qawa'ed Al Sugra and Mughni Al Labib . A'n Sharh Al A'areeb have the same common scientific content .
2 . Although Al Qawa'ed Al Sugra is a brief of Al I'rab А'n Qawa'ed Al I'rab, it contains entries which were not mentioned in the latter.
3.The title if the book being edited is Sharh Bolough Al Amal fi Tafseel Al Jumal without the word Mufradat which was mentioned in other versions.
5.The manuscript of Nathm Bolough Al Amal existing in the National Library in Cairo mentioned by Dr Ali Foudah Neil and attributed to Abdullah Hamad Al Salmi is the same meant poetry book in this editing. The name of the author was misspelled; the right spelling is Abdullah Humaid Al Salmi.
5 .Although the author of Nahdat al A'yan said that Imam Al Salmi wrote his book while he was 17 years old, two texts in his book contradict with that, and saying that composing the poetry of the book was before 1305 of Higrah is inconsistent with the texts.
6 .Imam Al Salmi issued his book twice in a period of 10 years, his poetry after had come across three stages which reflect the Imam's development in such a field.
7.the study documented the scripts from the first issue of the book and identified the changes as this book is an effort which demonstrates a stage of the developing scholarly intellect of Imam Al Salmi .
8 .Imam Al Salmi depended on three books which he frequently cited from; Al I'rab A'n Qawa'ed Al I'rab and its explanation: Mussel Al Tullab Ela Qawa'ed Al I'rab by Sheikh Khalid Al Azhari, and Mughni Al Labib A'n Sharh Al A'areeb
9.The first issue of the book included 10 narrations of the Prophet Muhammed
(PBUH). In his second issue Imam Al Salmi excluded four narrations which were described by scholars of Hadiths as doubtful. This reveals an aspect of his development in the science of Hadith, such fact is proved in 1315 of Higrah prior to his travel to pilgrimage in 1323. In addition, it is said that he became more knowledgeable in Hadith after he traveled to pilgrimage where he met scholars and the specialists on such science .
10.Imam Al Salmi did not follow the basis book exactly; he argued and adjusted order or else where he disagreed .
11 .In terms of Imam Al Salmi's opinions (12 opinions in total), sometimes he says 'it's likely' (6 times), and sometimes he mentions his opinion and that it differs from some scholars (3 times), and sometimes he says 'the truth is' (twice). He disagreed with Ibn Hisham in two problems, and disagreed the majority of Bisrits (scholars of Basrah) in one problem.
Perhaps this study is a beginning for a more comprehensive study of the linguistic works of Imam Al Salmi through all of his books, may his soul rest in peace