English abstract
This study aimed to reveal the Social studies teachers' knowledge degree of the educational dimensions of homework and the extent of its implementation by them, In addition, the study attempts to examine the effect of a set of variables including gender and teaching experience. To achieve objectives of study the researcher used the descriptive methodology where the researcher prepared a questionnaire consisting of (58) items, which is divided into five dimensions : the objectives of homework, standards of homework, the types of homework, and the ways of correcting homework, and the difficulties faced by teachers with homework. After checking the validity and reliability of the instrument, it was applied to the study sample consisting of (187) social studies teachers (males and females) from the Dofar governorate. The result of the study showed that the teachers' viewed that the degree of achieving the objectives of homework is high with the mean reached (3.90) which mean moderate. In addition, the teachers applied the standards of given homework by high degree. Furthermore, the teachers give students different types of homework and they also use different methods to correct homework. The data revealed no statistically significant differences at the level of significance (0.05-a) in the degree of knowledge of the dimensions of homework can be attributed to variable of gender in all dimensions with exception of the objectives of homework which has a statistical significance in favor of female teachers. However, the data revealed no statistically significant differences at the level of significance (0.05=a) in the degree of knowledge of the dimensions of homework can be attributed to variable of teaching experience