English abstract
The aim of this Study is to review the most definite fundamentals and rules to protect labor wages in the Sultanate of Oman. This can be done through answering the following inquiries: 1. How the Omani legislator has protected labor wage in terms of identifying the minimum wage, stages of legislator intervene in this matter, and to which extent the minimum wage decisions suit to the economic status of the country ?
2. What are the procedures that the legislator follows to protect labor wage in confronting the employer, to protect the wage from apparent and hidden deduction, and how the legislator has restricted the employer authorities?
3. What are the procedures that the legislator imposed to protect the wage in confronting labor creditors and from the labor himself?
4. What are the rules that the legislator imposed regarding the process of organizing and insuring wage fulfillment ?
In his research, the scholar has discussed and analyzed all elements of this rescarch which has brought out the most legal fundamentals and rules of protecting the wage.
The Study has reached to the following findings:
1. The Omani legislator has struck a balance between the employers and labor as it has surpassed some of the Arab legislations in achieving such protection in many aspects.
2. In reality, there are some difficulties to complete this protection require modifying some provisions. At the end of the Study, some recommendations to address these difficulties have been submitted as we hope to achieve requested benefit.