English abstract
The study aimed at examining the level of Omani's Post Basic Education Students' awareness of values of human rights. To achieve the objective of the study, the researcher developed a measurement of human rights awareness consisted of three components, knowledge test consisting of (27) multiple choice questions distributed in to four domains, attitudes scale consisting of (21) items distributed in to four domains, behavior scale consisting of (12) behaviors situations. The measurement validity was examined by (11) panel and the reliability was tested by using Alpha Chornbacht, the results of the tests were (0.77) for knowledge test, (0.86) for attitudes scale and (0.70) for behavior scale. The study sample consisted of (600) students of post basic education from Dakiliah Province The study revealed the following:
- The level of human rights values awareness was moderate (74.65%). Their knowledge level was (62.33%), attitudes was (81.99%) and (79.63%) for their behavior.
- There were significant differences at level of (a = 0.05) in students general awareness of values of human rights due to their gender in favor of female students.
- There were significant differences at level of (a = 0.05) in students general awareness of values of human rights due to class in favor of eleven class in general and attitudes and behavior component.
The study recommended to conduct promote students knowledge of values of human rights in social studies curriculum and also in the way these values been equipped by students.