حماية المال العام في التشريع العماني
الربيعي, سيف بن بخيت بن حمد.
English abstract
The purpose of my research is how to know the legally and Administrative protection of the public fund according to the Omani Legislation. And I will focus in several like:
1. Is the protection of the public fund laws play Effective role to grant the civilian and administrative protection to the public fund in the Sultanate of Oman?
2. What is the problems will face if we do not have the sufficient legally articles according to the Omani legislation.
3. What is the legally principles of the administrative court and the ministry of the legal affairs in the protection of the public fund.
4. What is the Fundamental difference between the Omani legislation and the Egyptian legislation in the protection of the public fund?
The researcher divided the research in two chapters. And Previous introductory chapter which include the Definition of the public fund and the types of it. Also he discussed in the first chapter the civilian protection of the public fund. Then, he discussed in the second chapter the administrative protection according to the Omani legislation. Finally, the Conclusion and the most important Results and recommendations in his research.