English abstract
This study aimed at identifying the difficulties in teaching history in the secondary schools from the teachers' point of view.
To answer the questions, a questionnaire was compiled consisting of (53) items distributed among six main different areas. By the end of the 99/2000 academic year, questionnaire was distributed to (184) teachers from all over the ten Regions of Education in the Sultanate.
And the items of the questionnaire were listed in descending order according to the degree of difficulty. And by using the 75th percentile, it was possible to determine the items which came in the forth quarter which represent 25% of the difficulties in teaching History in the secondary school. These items represent the most critical areas of difficulty. After interviewing 10 history teachers, the author prepared a suggested solution for these critical difficulties.
The main important results of this study are summarised as follows: 1. The number of items of the study that were classified as having a high degree of difficulty were 24 items, and 24 items were classified under moderate degree of difficulty. However, only 5 items were of low degree of difficulty. These three levels of difficulty were distributed among the main six areas of this study. 2. There are no statistically significant differences at the (0.05) level between the study sample which are attributed to sex, nationality, and teaching experience variables.
A number of recommendations are proposed by the end of this study. One of these is the necessity of having a broad view on the teaching process of the history curriculum for the secondary school and all other aspects related to it. These aspects include content, activities, teaching aids, teaching methods, assessment, students, teachers and other relevant aspects. Another recommendation is to make sure that the suggested solutions provided by this study are fully implemented so as to overcome the critical difficulties of teaching history in the secondary school.