English abstract
This study has aimed to specify criteria for selecting quraan verse inside Islamic books in the first cycle of the basic education in Sultanate of Oman. This by giving answers to the following questions : What are the criteria which should be put in consideration when we choose holy texts to be studied in books for the pupils of 1st cycle of B.E? 2. How can these studied books core the criteria of choosing holy quraan texts? 3. To what extent are these criteria differently available in these studied books? 4. To what extent are these criteria common in choosing the Holy Quraan texts among the four grades? To answer these questions the analystic qualative curriculum is used , because it is suitable to the questions and objectives. : So the researcher preoared two ways: First : list of criteria of choosing the holy quraan texts. It is completely certified and testified by showing them to the ones in charge. They are (37). Second : content analystic card : derived from the previous list. Its confirmed and assured by using the agreement factor between the researcher and another analyst by copper equation , rate was 90%. The results of the study : To get a list of criteria , which should be taren into consideration when we choose Holy Quraan texts, they are 49 cria, distributed on 5 fields. 2- Appearance of difference in a number of available criteria in the four grades, available (41) criterion grade basic 4 , but 23 criterion were 1st grade basic. 3- Test of " kay" did not emerge any differences in the criteria. 4- Ageeda field has domiratecl with high percent of criteri estimated (43, 75%) but worships estimated (3,90%). 5- There was not a criterion in all the four grades : it's the importonce of good accompany and avoid bad fellows. By this, the researcher yccommended some recommendations as follows : To take care to the criteria which are not available in the 1st cycle. 2. Not to depend on personal experiences in choosing Holy Quraan texts. 3. To take care of growth demonds and needs of the pupil in this stage. 4. To make courses to the teachers of the 1st cycle to train them on how to deel with studied texts. The researcher presented a group of suggestions to write another searches