English abstract
Study aimed at knowing the extent of inclusion of national identity features in social studies textbooks for grades 5-12, in Sultanate of Oman, The study sample consisted of social studies textbooks assigned for grades 5-12 students in basic education and post-basic education schools of the Sultanate of Oman for the academic year 2008 / 2009, which were chosen from the study population, which includes all the social studies textbooks for basic education from grade third and up to the tenth and post basic education grades from tenth to the twelfth grade, and to answer the questions of the study, a list of national identity features was prepared consisted of final six maine identity dimensions are: political, social, cultural, religious, economic, and environmental divided into (53)sub dimensions. After ensuring the validity of the list through a group of referees, The assistant researcher conducted content analysis of a sample and adopted the idea as a unit of analysis, while the test was confirmed by the agreement between the analysts using the modified cooper, the proportion of agreement among analysts, ranged between (88.23 %) and (98.35%), which was a sufficient indicator for the purposes of the present study, and re-analysis by the researcher himself. The main problem in the study was to answer three questions:
- What features of national identity features, supposed to be included in social studies textbooks for grades, 5-12 in Sultanate of Oman? - To what extent is the availability of features of national identity in social studies textbooks for grades 5-12 in the Sultanate of Oman? - Dos the inclusion features of national identity in content of social studies textbooks vary according to each grade? The study revealed the following results: Social studies textbooks for grades 5-12 cover the features of national identity at variable rates, but focused in grades eleventh and twelfth grades of post başic education beyond the basic rate (55%) of the total frequencies. - The existence of inequality in the distribution of the six main identity, dimensions but focused more on the political, cultural and environmental features, especially the eleventh and twelfth, and this was due to the presence of a book called(this is my homeland) in both grades. - The existence of inequality in the distribution of the main national identity features according to each grade in different proportions. The study recommended increased attention to the identity features as the seeds of national identity among students, also provided a set of recommendations and proposals of relevance.