English abstract
The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the national program of home care for the elderly in terms of achieving its main objectives through the perspective of its beneficiaries (the elderly - caregivers) and through the viewpoint of the service providers. This study aims to answer the following questions:
1. How well are the aims of the National Home Care Program for the elderly have been accomplished? II. How satisfied are users with the services provided in the National Home Care Program for the Elderly? III. What are the obstacles facing the program in providing its intended services? IV. What are the practical suggestions for improving the level of the program? V. What is the potential job description of the social-care specialist in the program? To answer these questions, the researcher identified four main goals of the home care program for the elderly and developed indicators for each target to be measured. The data was collected through different main tools included; a questionnaire for elderly and care workers, Focus group discussion with social workers and individual interviews with experts and officials. After obtaining all the required data, they were processed and analyzed by the statistical package system (SPSS). The findings were interpreted, and the main results were as follows: I. The program has a role in improving the quality of life of the elderly, but there were some weaknesses in the provision of these services due to the lack of specialized technical staff (social workers) in the program. II. The program provides satisfactory health services for the elderly. III. There is a weakness in achieving the program aim for integrating the elderly within the community through various social activities due to weak financial budgets. IV. There is a weakness in achieving the program of increasing the
public awareness of the issues of older people in the community. This is due to the lack of a media raising awareness plans of the program. V. The tasks of the social workers in the program are mostly administrative. Besides, the social workers are not only discharged to work in the program but performing other main job and field duties which resulted in weakening the technical role in the program. VI. There are several obstacles that hinder the achievement of the desired objectives of the program. Most of these are found to be; lacking the number of the social workers and the low financial support for sustainable development.