English abstract
This study aimed at investigating the degree of employing the principles of constructivism theory in teaching by the social studies teachers in Sultanate of Oman. In addition, the study attempts to examine the effect of a set of variables including gender and teaching experience.
To achieve the aims of the study a descriptive approach was used. the researcher prepared a Class Observation Sheet consisting of (33) items which divided into five domains: The prior knowledge of learners, learning social studies is linked to learners' life, learning process is conducted through social dialogue, learning social studies is a structural active object-oriented, and involvement of learner in learning process. After checking the validity and reliability of the instrument, it was applied to the study sample consisting of (30) social studies teachers (males and females) from Albatinah North Region. ·
The data showed that the degree of employing the teaching principles of constructivism theory was (2.56) which means good. The data showed no statistical significant differences at the level of significance (a = 0.05) at teachers' employing of the principles of constructivism theory in teaching can be attributed to variable of gender except for the prior knowledge of learners which has a statistical significance in favor of female teachers. However, the data showed a statistical significant differences at the level of significance (a = 0.05) at teachers' employing of the principles of constructivism theory in teaching can be attributed to variable of teaching experience in favor of teachers who have teaching experience extends from six to ten years.
The researcher recommended the necessity to organize training workshops for social studies teachers to promote their ability to teach according to the principles of constructivism theory. Additionally, a set of topics was suggested for further studies