دور التفويض في تنمية بعض المهارات الإدارية للمعلمين الأوائل في مدارس الحلقة الثانية من التعليم الأساسي بسلطنة عمان
البرواني،, عبدالله بن سيف بن عدي.
English abstract
This study aimed to identify the role of delegation in the development of some management skills for senior teachers in the second cycle of basic education schools in the Sultanate of Oman. The study used a questionnaire composed of 37 items distributed into four themes. Each theme represents one of the selected management skills. These themes were decision-making, management meetings, time management, leadership). The questionnaire was tested for validity and reliability then distributed among a sample of (362) school principals and senior teachers. The study results showed that the authority delegation had a role ranged between large (a mean of 4.07) and very large (a mean of 4.28) according the measured set by the researcher. The results showed no statistically significant differences at the level (a = 0.05) in the study variables except in the variable of work experience in the theme of leadership and in a favour of those have (11 years of work experience and more). The study also demonstrated the existence of some obstacles facing authority delegation in the development of some management skills in the second cycle of basic education schools in the Sultanate of Oman. These obstacles were the work pressure; lack of management experience for senior teachers; and centralization. The study concluded with some recommendations including reducing the teaching load of senior teachers; establishing clear criteria in selecting senior teachers; conducting workshops about authority delegation for schools principals and senior teachers.