English abstract
Objective: effects of the number of football touches on the physical, Technical, and physiological responses of young footballers in Small-sided soccer Games. Methodology: the study was conducted on 16 players from Oman Junior Football Players Team (aged 15.64 +0.32 years). The study used the empirical approach for being compatible with the objective of the research. we dedicated the first visit to conduct the anthropometric measurements and apply the YoYo Intermittent Recovery Test Level 1 to measure the maximum aerobic speed (MAS) of all players. During the second and third visits, we applied two rules of the Small-sided soccer Games in a random way: free touch and tow touch. These two positions were deployed in the Small-sided soccer Games on a pitch sized 30x20 meters and for six minutes nonstop. Meanwhile, several technical, physical and physiological indicators were measured. The normal distribution of results was adequately ascertained by conducting Smirnov-Kolmogorov Test. The arithmetic means, and standard deviations were used as indicators for descriptive statistics and student T test for paired sample was used to compare the results (free play vs. double touch). Results: the most important outcomes of the study revealed variances of statistical significance in favor of tow touch play compared to free touch in the indicators of total football passes (P <0.05), the maximum heart beats (P<0.01), the distance cut (P<0.01), the actual play time and the number of times changing running direction (P <0.05), and the maximum eurhythmics (P <0.05). However, the variance was not significant for the two positions in terms of lactate concentration in the blood. Conclusion: the study underlined the positive effects of tow touch play in comparison to free touch in terms of building the physical and physiological capabilities and technical of young football players.