English abstract
This study aimed to constract a training program and test its effectiveness for grade ten female students in gaining of meta comprehension skills. The study sample consisted of one experimental group of (28) female students. As to achieve the purpose of the study, the researcher used two tools which are: the metacomprehension reading criterion that included (25) particles which covered the three skills (planning for comprehend , controlling and monitoring comprehension and evaluating comprehension),and training program. This study sought to answer the following two questions: 1- What are the contents of the proposed training program to acquiring grade ten female students meta comprehension reading skills. As to answer this question, the researcher has constructed a program aimed to acquire the grade ten female students metacomprehension reading skills? Which contained a set of information and activities. . This program constituted of nine sessions and the time of each session is ninety minutes (two school periods). Each session included procedural aims and introduction to the subject of the session, applied non-classroom and classroom activities, and final correction, with inclusion of one introductory session in two school periods. - What is the effectiveness of the training program for the grade ten female students in gaining meta comprehension reading skills. To answer this question, the following major hypothesis has been examined: - There is difference that is statistically significant on the significance level (0,05 > a) between the two averages of the experimental group in the two pre and post applications for the skills of meta comprehension for the post application because of the use of training program. This hypothesis has branched into three hypothesis. There is difference that is statistically significant on the significance level (0,05 > a) between the two averages of the experimental group in the two pre and post applications on the planning skill for post application because of the use of training program. - There is difference that is statistically significant on the significance level (0,05 > a) between the two averages of the experimental group in the two pre and post applications on the control and surveillance skill for post application because of the use of training program. - There is difference that is statistically significant on the significance level (0,05 > a) between the two averages of the experimental group in the two pre and post applications on the correction skill for post application because of the use of training program. The summary of the results related to the second question as illustrated by the study is the existence of the difference between the two averages of female students performance in the pre-application of the meta comprehension reading skills and their average performance in the post-application of the skills in the significance level (0,001) which come in favor of the post-implementation due to the use of the training program. In the Light of the study results, the researcher has offered some recommendations and suggestions in order to promote and develop the educational field.