English abstract
This study aims to unveil educational administrative thought of Imam Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Khalili school dated from 1997 to 190€ in three areas: instructional leadership, diversity of funding sources and ethical leadership. The research examine the possibility to benefit from the Imam's thought in educational management to develop administrative educational practices in the Omani schools.
The study uses historical research methodology. The study sources included five interviewees who were either the Imam's students or his students' students. In addition, secondary sources included some research studies, books and documents related to the Imam's school. Data is collected in the academic year Y. 1V/. 14 about the Imam School in the period. It was analyzed using qualitative. The most important results in the instructional leadership area is the existence of a vision, mission and objective for the school which is aligned with the cultural frameworks of the community, making it easy to be published and received by the community. Supervision levels reflecting the school organization trust in teachers and students discipline. In the area of funding diversity, the study shows different ways of sources which made school self suffcient and increased self-responisibility. In the ethical leadership area, the study found that having a good role model is the escence of the educational process through consultation and open door. The study concludes with some recommendations to benfit from the Imam's thoughts.