English abstract
The manuscript "Shiaf Al Haem bisharh bath Al Daaem" of Abu al-Qasim Al Baradi is of the oldest Islamic books and is considered a model for relations between Omani and Maghreb. It offers a full explanation of the pillars of Islam book of Ibn Nadar. Ibn Nadar explained poems on the issues of Doctrine. The poem, which is based on the study, is on the issue of glorification of Allah and deny His likes with interpretation of some similar verses. Al Baradi marks words in these matters, discussed them and responded to violators with the expansion of refutes his argument.
The abstract included the study and investigation of the first poem and I made it in two parts, with the first section included a study of the scholar Ibn Omani Nadar, Abu Kassim Al Baradi, and the manuscript of "Shiaf Al Haem". It contains three chapters. Chapter I included the definition of Ibn Nadar, scientific stature and his works, the definition of Al Baradi, his life, and his status scientific and writings.
The second chapter included an investigation approach by defining the manuscript, document it to the author, the statement of the issue of his book and the content of the manuscript and its sources. It contains the definition copies of the manuscript and its description, selected copies of the investigation, and the methodology of the manuscript investigation and its steps. It included first and last page images of the two-manuscripts for investigation. The third chapter contained Al Baradi's approach compared with Ibn Wasaf in the poem itself.
The second part of the abstract was a review of the first poem of "Shiaf Al Haem bisharh bath Al Daaem". I followed the scientific methodology in terms of copies comparisons, put it in the margin, and attributed the verses and conversations, and the translation of luminaries. I included the words meanings, etc., and I put a conclusion of the most important findings, and attached the abstract with Quranic verses, prophetic traditions, monuments, luminaries, and a list of sources and references.