English abstract
This study is directed to shed light on the Andalusia Civilization during the reign of Emir Abdul Rahman AL-Awsat , and the political events that took place in that era . The research methodology adopted to accomplish this study is the correct scientific one as the study is divided in to seven chapters apart from the preface that demonstrates both the most important factors which to the foundation of Andalusia, and the factors behind the success of Abdul Rahman AL-Awsat to the throne of Andalusia. Chapter one is directed to discuss the political issues during the rule of Emir Abdul Rahman AL-Awsat (828-852AD/206-238H), whereas chapter two focuses on the administrative organization , chapter three is allocated for the artistic life in Andalusia. Chapter four is meant to illustrate the scientific life and chapter five focuses on economic life on the same era. Chapter sex discusses social life, and chapter seven sheds light on the architecture in Andalusia. Prominent findings are demonstrated and discussed the conclusion of the research.