English abstract
The present study aimed to investigate the impact of Sanako Pronounce software, a Computer Assisted Pronunciation Training software (CAPT) on the pronunciation skills of grade 11 Omani English as Foreign Language (EFL) learners. It intended to determine whether Sanako Pronounce software can improve the students' English pronunciation skills. Moreover, it aimed to examine the attitudes of the Omani EFL learners towards using Sanako Pronounce software as a method of instruction. The researcher adopted a quasi-experimental design to address the current research questions. The sample consisted of 72 female students drawn convenience from grade 11 students at Hail Alawamer Post-Basic Education School in Muscat Governorate. The researcher divided the participants into two groups: an experimental group consisted of 37 students and a control group with 35 students. The study lasted for one month and took place in the second semester of the academic year 2019/2020. Addressing English pronunciation skills, Sanako Pronounce software was used by the experimental group, while the control group followed the traditional teaching method (teacher-led pronunciation). The study measured pronunciation performance by giving the same test to both groups, including pronouncing several phrases in English. The students' errors in pronunciation were noted and recorded. The data collection instruments included pre-test and post-test for the control and experimental groups, and a questionnaire was administered to the experimental group to examine students' perceptions and attitudes towards the Sanako Pronounce software. The findings revealed that there were statistically significant differences between the control and the experimental groups in the mean scores of post-tests in favour of the experimental group. It also indicated positive attitudes towards using the Sanako Pronounce software for improving English pronunciations skills. In light of these findings, the study suggested some implications and recommendations for future research.