English abstract
This study aimed to identify the impact of using electronic brainstorming strategy in a blended -learning environment on grade-eleven female students? achievement in Islamic education, their development of moral reasoning, their motivation towards achievement and their attitude towards blended -learning. The study used a quasi- experimental design, which consisted of two experimental groups and a control group. In terms of the treatment, the experimental groups were divided into two sup-groups. The first experimental group (n=30) was taught using Electronic Brainstorming Strategy (70% electronic-30% traditional method) while the second experimental group (n=30) was taught using the same strategies but with the 30% electronic- 70% traditional method. The control group (n=30) was taught using a traditional method. In order to achieve the aims of the study, an achievement Test consisted of 30 questions was prepared. The adopted Moral Reasoning Test contained 5 scenarios, each one is made of 16 questions. The Motivation towards Achievement Test consisted of 5 factors, each of one is made of 41 words. The researcher also used an Attitude Scale to measure students? attitude towards blended- learning. After the application of the tests to collect the data, analysis and the interpretation procedures were applied. They revealed the following results:
There are statistically significant differences between the means of the students in the three groups on the post- achievement test and on the post- moral reasoning test in favor of the first experimental group.
There are statistically significant differences in the means of the two experimental groups on the pre- and post- achievement test in favor of the post test. This is also the case for moral reasoning test, the measurement of motivation towards achievement and the attitudes towards blended learning scale.
In addition, there are statistically significant differences between the means of the students in the three groups on the post- motivation towards achievement test in favor of the two experimental groups which were taught using electronic brainstorming strategy in a blended- learning environment.
The results show no statistically significant difference in the means of the two experimental groups on the post motivation towards achievement test.