حقوق مؤلف برامج الحاسب الآلي في القانون العماني.
الفليتية, خالصة بنت خالد بن سيف.
English abstract
This thesis aims at defining the financial and literary rights of which the computer programmes author is entitled as well as clarifying how much uniqueness he has compared with the author of the traditional innovative works and recognizing the stand of the Omani Law regarding computer programmes. The study came to several results as follows:
1- Computer programmes are considered as an innovative work and deserved to be legitimately protected regarding the author's copyright due to containing the element of creativity (inventiveness).
2- The Omani Law (ratifies) recognizes the whole financial and literary rights of the computer programmes author.
3- Computer programmes author solely enjoys his right which distinguishes him from others so as to cope with the novelty of technology occupation.
4- Legal texts, regarding the author's right, existing in the author's right law and relating Omani rights are appropriate to provide computer programmes protection with the necessity of inserting some additions which presented in the thesis.
الفليتية, خالصة بنت خالد بن سيف (2011). حقوق مؤلف برامج الحاسب الآلي في القانون العماني (رسالة ماجستير، جامعة السطلن قابوس).