English abstract
In this research, the researcher aims to study judicial control over appointment
decisions in public sector with light of Civil Service Law in Sultanate of Oman.
Issued by the Royal Decree No (120/2004), in comparison with the situation
under the Egyptian Civil Service Law No (81-2016) through studying
appointment rules in Public sector from the standpoint of the principles
governing appointment process and the required qualifications upon which an
individual is considered qualified as a public official, In addition to clarifying
the appointment methods in public sector.
The research also addresses the Administrative Justice role in overseeing the
legitimacy of administrative appointment decisions in public sector jobs, and
the extent of the administration responsibility regarding skipping in
The research methodology requires dividing this research into three chapters.
In the introductory chapter, the researcher discusses appointment regulations in
public sector. In Chapter One, the researcher reviews cassation judge oversight
over the correctness of appointment decisions. As for the second and last
chapter, the researcher discusses state responsibility regarding appointment
skipping decisions.
The research is concluded by showing the researcher's most important results
and recommendations, which he finds during studying this subject as we
believe it is crucial to put them under consideration.