English abstract
Improving the quality of teaching and learning through high-quality professional
development (PD) for schoolteachers has been at the forefront of the educational
agenda of many countries around the world, including Oman. This study was designed
to examine the perceptions of Omani schoolteachers about the effectiveness of the
Ministry of Education's online PD programs in improving their teaching and students'
learning as well as determining the elements of effective PD. The study adopted a mixed
method design, where 81 schoolteachers who took online courses completed an online
survey to gather data regarding their perceptions of the effect of these courses on their
teaching practices and students' learning. Four of those teachers were interviewed to
collect in-depth data regarding their online learning experience. The findings indicated
that the online PD increased their confidence and their ability to face teaching
challenges, enhanced their instructional practices and expanded their students'
motivation, engagement and participation. In addition, the results of this study
underscored that effective online professional development was comprised of seven
features: flexibility, active learning, relevance, interaction, adequate and timely
feedback, course content, and course design.
This study's findings could be used to inform educational leaders and policy makers
the importance of designing quality online PD programs that enhance teachers' teaching
practices and have an impact on their students' learning. These findings could also be
used to inform instructional designers and developers of the elements of effective online
PD such as active learning, collaboration, feedback and course content and design.