English abstract
In industry, as well as in cities, a large amount of solid waste is produced, some of which
is partially recycled or is disposed of in its entirety in landfills, thereby generating
negative environmental impacts. Of this waste, industrial waste glass from many
application sources is a major source of pollution. In developed countries, efficient glass
recovery and recycling systems are well implemented to avoid waste glass landfilling and
its disastrous environmental and economic effects. Yet no effective glass recycling
system is established in Oman and many other developing countries which lead to a huge
amount of waste glass landfilled and thrown out in the ground. This causes a considerable
economic loss and environmental issues.
In the search and for an alternative exploitation of solid waste, various applications have
arisen, some of which are related to constructions sector. This research study the use of
mixed color waste glass fragments collected from a local Aluminum workshop in
Maabilah, ground to approximately a size of cement and used at various replacement
levels of Portland cement in mortar production. The results shows that this replacement is
possible and even lead to an improvement to some mortar properties if the amount of
cement and the glass powder (GP) in the mortar mix are well optimized. Out of this
research, GP can improve the flowability of mortar and reduce both water and
superplasticizer (SP) demand. The use of GP enhanced the long-term compressive
strength, led to a better resistance against chloride penetration, acid and sulphate attacks.
The combination of conventional supplementary cementitious materials with GP reveals
to be very efficient and promising. Moreover, the use of GP in the mortar has resulted in
a reduction in the thermal conductivity and hence a better heat insulation property.