English abstract
The continuous changes may lead to some obstacles which may hinder the university in accomplishing its rolein an effective way. Identifying the role of academic and administrative staff in community serviceand identifying facilities and potential difficulties are very important, due to its significant role in developing the community.
This study aimed at identifying the role of Sultan Qaboos University in community service through recognizing the most important activities and projects provided by the university in community service. Additionally, determining the stance of faculty members and administrators to participate in this field and their satisfaction about provided services. This study also identified the obstacles that may limit the role of the university in serving the community in order to propose some suggestions and mechanisms to improve its role.
This study was developed using a descriptive research. According to the social survey method, the researcher used the questionnaire of157 members of the academic faculty in the humanity colleges. All members of the administrative board of Center for Community Service and Continuing Education were also interviewed.
The results of the study indicated that there is a good diversity in the quality and content of community activities and programs provided by the Center fo Community Service and Continuing Education at Sultan Qaboos University in the field of community service. The results also showed that the Center for Community Service and Continuing Education focuses on the fields of awareness, education, training, and rehabilitation programs. The Centre also implements regular activities in the voluntary field, while in the field of counseling services and providing expertise no significant role had been noted.
The results also showed that the contribution of the academic staff members in the fields of community service is generally effective'. The highest contribution was through the applied research, followed by selfinitiatives of the academic staff members. Contributions on the area of awareness and education were in the third place andareas of educational, training, and rehabilitation pograms were in the fourth. This was followed by voluntary work, and finally the lowest contribution was in the field of consulting and providing expertise. Additionally, the results of the study revealed that the members of the administrative staff of the center have a great role in strengthening the university's relationship with the community by identifying the needs and requirements and then, working on providing them with the relevant agencies. It was showed that the level of satisfaction of the academic staff members on community service activities provided by both the university and their own initiatives is classified as "high'. The results showed that high work load and many academic tasks can decrease the contribution of the academic staff members in the field of community service.