English abstract
The basis of parliament control is found in the parliament systems that regulate the
relation between their authorities based on flexible separation which imposes a kind of
cooperation and balance between the legislative and executive authorities. Modern
constitutions have given to the legislative authority a number of control means that are
used on the executive authority, such as fact-finding committees or parliament
commissions of inquiry as included in some systems.
Therefore, this study aims at investigating the role of fact-finding committees in
the executive work control in the Sultanate of Oman, as well as comparing it to the
legal regulations in The Kingdom of Morocco, Arab Republic of Egypt, and Kuwait.
As this method is considered one of the parliament tools and methods that help the
Shura Council in performing and practicing its control powers, Article (146) of
internal regulations issued by the Council Resolution no. (1/ 2012) included this
The main issue if this research is about the possibility of stipulating a fact finding-committee method in the basic statue of the state issued by the Royal Decree
No. (101/ 1996) following the footsteps of compared countries in this regard in order
to activate its control role and establish its importance within the parliament work.
Moreover, many sub-questions related to the legal regulation of these committees are
answered in this study.
For the purpose of this study, the researcher divided this study into three
chapters. The first chapter investigated what is meant by fact-finding committees. The
second chapter addressed its legal regulation. Finally, the third chapter investigated the
procedural measures for establishing these committees in the regulatory field. All
chapters of this study are conducted within a comparative fundamental and analytical
approach that ended up with several conclusions clarified in the conclusion of this