English abstract
Enteric diseases range from mild food poisoning to dangerous infections like typhoid fever and cholera.
Enteric diseases are a major cause of death for children in the developing world, they kill about 500,000
children under the age of 5 each year. Children who survive face repeated infections by gut pathogens
in the early years of their life, which can lead to serious, lifelong health problems. One of the most
dangerous enteric diseases is cholera, which is associated with contaminated water and poor sanitation.
In 2017, 34 countries reported a total of 1 227 391 cholera cases and 5654 deaths. There are many
challenges associated with modelling of enteric diseases. However, the most important are indirect
transmission pathway, the role of mechanical vectors in the disease transmission and the co-infection
with other diseases. Several mathematical models were developed to describe the dynamics of cholera
and mathematical analysis and numerical simulation were carried out in order gain some insights
regarding the disease transmission and to set up some control measure. Optimal control analysis in
order to investigate the effect of some control strategies against the spread of the disease. Finally,
model parameter estimation was carried out using the data from the 2017-2018 cholera outbreak in
Yemen to estimate the reproduction number, R0 , because of its importance in the disease transmission
and control.