English abstract
The aim of this study is look into a more applied approach to the Omani poetry. The study is using a constructive criticism approach in investigating the experience of the poet Salem bin Ali bin Salem Al-Kalbani in his Diwan "Madami' wa Madafi"" in which I studied the foundations of the poetry construction in agreement with the standards of linguistic analysis. The study was eventually concluded comprehensively in a thesis under the title; "Salem bin Ali bin Salem Al-Kalbani poetry, collection and study"
In my study, I tried to focus solely on what has been collected in the Diwan, "Madami' wa Madafi"". Hence, the significance of this research topic is essentially an attempt to further strengthen the systematic methodological studies approach of the Omani poetry. The need for this type of investigations becomes evident when researchers on the field are faced with immense difficulties trying to collect and sort out relevant information of the subject. Therefore, my choice of this topic was adopted as a reflection of the lack of studies on Alkalbani's poetry with the exception of few general short articles haphazardly spread.
It is worth mentioning that, Alkalbani's work may not be considered as a landmark in the modern Omani poetry nonetheless, it is definitely a worthwhile studying phenomenon specially when taking into consideration the rich output of the poet.
The spread of Alkalbini's experience over two generations has enriched his poetry to the extent that it formed a distinctive link between the two generations extending from Sheikh Abdullah Al-Khalili;s down to the new generation of poems in the second millennium. In addition, Alkalbani's experience has acquired various special features that are emphasized in my study.
The study is made up of three chapters, introduction and conclusion. The introduction was a brief biography of the poet including his social life, birth place and his birthday in addition, the influence of his family and the surrounding on the poet was also discussed. Some of his, literature works and activities as well as a brief account of both social and political environments during his upbringing was also mentioned in the introduction.
The first chapter of the study apprehended with poetry topics employed by our poet and its most distinctive features. The second chapter covered the structural patterns where I had to deal with two clearly apparent observations frequently encountered in Alkalbani's poetry namely the derivative forms and the key words forms. The third chapter dealt with the picturistic level in which I studied the sources of the poetic picture that our poet has employed frequently after which I dwelled into studying animatory forms, similitude and other literary inspirational properties. In the fourth chapter I investigated in more depth, the rhythmic values and this chapter was further fragmented into three sections. The first section was under the title; the rhythmic tone in the classical poem and the chopped poem. In this section I clarified the rhythmic functions and its significance in the past and present day with a careful balance between the rhythmic effects in the vertical and textual poems as well as the poet's opinion on both. In the second section of the fourth chapter I analyzed the peripheral rhythms in view of poems format and poetic verses as well as
hastening deceleration and embodiment variations. In the third section of this chapter, I looked at the internal rhythms in relation to simulations and flawlessness of verse endings and beginnings in addition to looking at pictures like the spread of turns and twisting which are visible characteristics in Alkalbani's poetry.
The firth chapter was titled heritage recollection, for which I dedicated a full chapter since it can be looked at as an unusual occurrence. In this chapter, I engaged this recollection of our poet in three frontiers; literaturistic, religious and historical.
In the conclusion I summarized categorically the outcomes of my study pronouncing some difficulties I had to unravel particularly collecting the randomly spread master pieces of our poet which were not yet published not to mention the painful shortage of appropriate critical studies on our poets work which made it mandatory to depend on the poet himself as the major information resource before turning into journals, magazines and other various art activities as well as to friends and associates for information.
In the end, I would like to thank and acknowledge all those who stood by me and supported me during this work, I am particularly indebted to teachers, Khalid bin Ali- Alkalbni and Ahmed bin Rashid Al-Abri.