English abstract
This research basically aims to examine the narrative components of Sheikh Abdullah Al-khalili Maqams and to analyze them artistically and aesthetically in the light of his theoretical adoption of concepts and laws of modern narration as well as his contemporary theories, in particular those critical concepts established by several western criticizers led by the criticizer Gerard Genette" which are adopted by many Arab contemporary criticizers, as they are the most important criticism symbols in the contemporary structural approach related to the theory of narration.
This study also addresses Abdullah bin Ali Al-khalili as one of the most important figure of the contemporary Maqams art, which are still scripted until nowadays, but were not audited or published, despite its arising ambiguity whether artistic or critical, some of these Maqams related to the nature of this art and others related to its function especially at the present time, in addition to its ability to express and survive. The most important of which is related to the artistic structure and the renewal attempts in the nature of the structural components, these attempts of which Sheikh Al-khalili was keen to present in his eight Maqams, the subject of this research.
The researcher, before getting into the core of analyzing the components of these texts narration provided an introductory frame to identify the nature of Maqam art, as well as the author's manuscript, the subject of this research, then the researcher addresses the most important theoretical outlines that are adopted in the analysis process.
Moreover, The structure of the research based on four applied chapters which are; the first chapter is:" characters" as it's the first component of the narration in Al-Khalili Maqams, including the diversity and variance of the main, substitutable, secondary or marginal characters in addition to the female characters, the chapter also discusses this component as it's the main narrative component and the center attention of the author, the most innovative feature in forming the characters, and the most available structural innovation in his Maqams' texts.
Where the third chapter discusses the "place" as it the artisistical component, which has a great importance in the Maqams of this author, in addition to, it clarify the artistic characteristic of this component, which contribute to the formulation of this narrative text at Al-Khalili.
While the third chapter addresses the "time" as the third component, in an attempt to analyze the timing system adopted in Al- Kalili Maqams, and to distinguish between the time of the story and the time of the narration. Moreover, the reasecher depended in his study of the rhythm time of the Al-Kalili Maqams, on the classification and statements of "Gerard Genette", through the scene, sections, breaks, and the
The fourth chapter discusses the "description" in the structures of Al-Kalili Maqams, considering that all texts include narration as much as description.. In addition to, the chapter discusses the nature of the description in Al-Khalili Maqams, its positions in the text, and its functions.
The objective of analyzing Al-Khalili Maqams from this prospective is to ensure the value of the Arabic contemporary narrative text when it is examined in the light of these contemporary theories..., and to ensure its presence and value.