English abstract
The study aimed to know the attitudes of undergraduate students at
Sultan Qaboos University in the Sultanate of Oman towards blended
learning and its relationship to their level of creative thinking. The study
sample consisted of 368 male and female students. As for the study tools,
it was represented by the two scales of attitudes towards blended learning
(Salim, 2018) and creative thinking (Bani Khaled, 2017), and the necessary
statistical treatments were conducted that showed that the means students'
attitudes towards blended learning came within the weak (negative) level.
And the level of creative thinking was also average. The results showed
that males are higher than females in the attitude towards blended learning
and creative thinking in general, as well as the there was statistical
significant differences between students in attitudes toward blended
learning and creative thinking in favor of males in the scientific as well as
the humanitarian specialization. It was also found that there is a correlation,
but not statistically significant, relationship between each of the trends
towards blended learning and the level of creative thinking among students
of Sultan Qaboos University in the Sultanate of Oman. In light of the results
the researcher presented a number of recommendations.