English abstract
This study is based on the study of' Homes and Houses in the Omani Poetry in the Nabhani era' Which is Called 'Ruins' in the Arabian Poetry The topic is new in its field not beaten by another: les importance Lies in the fact that if Clari fies apositive vision for the Nabhani age standing on the production of its poets to give the benefit to the Omani generations
The study Consists of: An entrance, four chapters and a conclusion The entrance deals with ahistorical overview of the Nabhani age, their assets and origins, the Characteristics of this age, the external relations of Bani Nabhan, the political and economical conditions and the most important poets of this age like : Al Stali,Al Nabhani, Al Khorosi and Al Kizawi whom I relied in my study.
Chapter one title Houses and Homes in The Arabion poetry' It also includes the pre-Islamic era, followed by the qualities and characteristics of houses and homes in the ancient Arabian poetry
Chapter tow title 'Homes and houses in the Omani poetry in the age of the Nabhani, the title of the study, I addressed it to the study of homes and houses before the Nabhani as a simplified prelude. It is followed by the Nabhani era. Then I discussed the topic of houses and homes in the Nabhani poetry, mentioning places and positions likened To tattoos and how winds and rains obscured their land marks up to the psychological case of the poet talking about his beloved's qualities and characteristics, the new additions of those poets and what the researcher can clarify and obtain from the poets' stops to express or to say.
Chapter three deals with the meaning full characteristics of houses and homes poetry in the Nabhani poetry It includes the searching points like the meanings, the ideas, images and fantasy followed by emotion •
Chapter four deals with the verbal characteristics in houses and homes poetry in the Nabhani poetry It includes the searching points like the structures, the vocabularies, the form, the music and the rhymes
I have Completed the study with the most important results and the notes which the study got, indicating the sources and the references which I relied in my study