English abstract
This research investigates the splendor and beauty of a place of social and psychological implications in the hearts of the Arab nations and neighboring countries. There are many novelists in the arena of literature who have employed desert locations in their literary texts. This research has made use of some narration techniques (characters, time and place) to highlight the beauty of the desert as a location in the works of a novelist whose his works have not been subject to criticism. Studies on the literal products of this writer are very rare, as it is stated in the introduction of this research, compared to more than sixty works he has already produced.
Ibrahim Al Kawni is a writer of a high caliber, who succeeded in returning back elegance to the classic novel meanwhile enriching it at the same time with wonderful and marvelous incidents. One of the reasons that he has been chosen to be the subject of this research is his ability to employ the desert in his all works without exception as well as employing obscure desert elements.
This research arrived at several conclusions of which the most important is the ability of Ibrahim Al Kawni to create a very rich wonderful world in a place which is usually receive very limited numbers of visitors. A place which is very rich with its characters, customs, beliefs, tales, magic and legends. All elements of the desert were present and prominent such as human beings, jinn and fairies, animals, plants, insects, mountains, dresses, stones and gold. Gold, in the writer's novels, has a very special influence according to the beliefs of his tribe (Touaregs). Thus, it has an influence also on the course of events. The narrator in most of his novels is always dominant, wise and knowledgeable and other characters are always conveyers of the life history of the desert and the Touaregs. The time paradox(anachrony) in the narration is clear although the narrative elaboration was more prominent but still coherent. The legendary time was effectively present in substance and form accompanied by an extensive present of all elements of the desert. The contemporary history of Libya is also emerging in the series of novels which appear as if they are parts of one novel. The writer was also able to handle in his novels special places through which he succeeded via literature to inform the world of the existence of these people (Touaregs), their heritage and sufferings in this empty land which is free from any thing, yet, it is full of every thing.