English abstract
The aim of this study was to find counseling performance competences for social workers in the Sultanate of Oman schools from the perspective of principals and social supervisors. The aim of the study was also to show the differences in competences which might be caused by the social workers' sex, qualification, specialization, the region and place of residence. A random sample of about 312 principals and social supervisors was selected from Muscat, Dhakiliya and Batinah South .
Towards this, a special tool was developed to identify the degree of possessing performance competencies. The tool consists of 68 items and it covers 7 areas. The tool was finally produced after reaching a good level of validity and reliability which are essential for purpose of scientific research. The necessary adjustments that were indicated by the appraisers had been implemented in this tool and had been treated statistically.
The results have shown that social workers got the highest degrees in the personal characteristics, then in communication and social relationships and then in group guidance and in documentation and record keeping. They got average degrees in individual counseling and skills, then in writing supervising plans and in group counseling.
The results have also shown that there were significant differences due to the sex of the social worker in favor of females. Females got higher degrees in possessing performance competences then males. There were also significant difference due to the qualification. The social workers with bachelor degree got the highest degree. In addition, there were significant differences caused by the region which the social worker work in and in favor of Muscat region. The differences were also present regarding the place of residence in favor of school principals. There weren't any significant differences regarding the experience and specialization. Therefore, the researcher recommends holding long and continuous training courses for social workers in performance competences. He also
recommends concluding other researches to focus on
other efficiencies that are not addressed in this study.