English abstract
The study aimed at discovering the influencing factors in the rule
of Umayyad Caliph. It identifies the levels of decision-making during
Sufyani era, states the official and unofficial forces that affected the rule
of Umayyad Caliph during Sufyani era, and traces the factors and
circumstances that contributed to making decisions during Sufyani era.
The study includes an introduction, a preface, four chapters, and a
conclusion, in addition to a list of primary sources and recent references
used in this research. The preface includes: the influencing factors in
governance transfer to Umayyads. Chapter one deals with the power and
authority of caliph in Umayyad era (41-64 A.H/ 661-684 C.E), the
concept of power in Islam, the legitimacy and power of Umayyad Caliph,
and the levels of decision-making in the Umayyad state. Chapter two
talks about: the official forces influencing the reign of Umayyad Caliph
(41-64 A.H/ 661-684 C.E) including: mandate of covenant, Umayyad
princes, senior military leaders, workers, governors, judges, and writers
during Sufyani era. Chapter three presents the informal forces affecting
the reign of Umayyad Caliph (41-64 A.H./ 661-684 C.E.) including
tribes' leaders, lineage of caliph, entourage, poets, and loyalists. Chapter
four examines the factors affecting the reign of Umayyad Caliph (41-64
A.H./ 661-684 C.E.) including opposition (political parties and currents),
economic situation, conditions of military fronts, and outposts on the
borders of the state .
In her study, the researcher adopted the historical descriptive
analytical method that is based on collecting, analyzing, and then
comparing historical narratives to reach the study's results.
The study concluded that there are multiple levels of authority
during the Sufyani era in Umayyad state. Moreover, the power of
Umayyad Caliph in making decisions is relatively governed by a number
of influencing factors and forces which were not absolute as it seems to
people. There is disparity in the forces influencing the reign of caliph
during the Umayyad era according to the circumstances and events taking
place including political developments. The results of the study reveal
that there is much overlap and intertwine in the topic of the influencing
forces on the Reign of Umayyad Caliph (41-64 A.H./ 661-684 C.E)