فاعلية برنامج إرشاد جمعي عبر الإنترنت قائم على نظرية هولاند في تحسين مهارات اتخاذ القرار المهني لدى طالبات الـصف العـاشر في سـلطنة ُعمـان.
السعيدية, فردوس بنت فاضل بن عبيد.
English abstract
This study aimed to investigate the efficacy of an online group counselling program
based on Holland theory in improving career decision skills for a sample of grade 10th female
students in Oman. Forty female students were involved in the study procedures based on their
low scores on the career decision scale who were distributed randomly on two groups the
experimental group (20 students) and the control group (20 students). The experimental group
was attending 10 online group counselling sessions based on Holland theory in career
counselling while the control group did not attend any treatment. The career decision-making
scale was used that contained 27 items distributed on different dimensions: problem
identification, seeking for alternatives, alternative balancing, and decision-making process.
The results of Mann-Whitney revealed that there were statistical differences in the post-test
scores for the experimental and control groups in career decision skills in favor of the
experimental one. The Wilcoxson test results indicated that there were no statistical differences
between the post-test scores and one-month follow-up scores of the experimental group which
indicates the sustained effect of the counselling program. The study proposed some suggestions
and recommendations for future studies.