English abstract
The narrative structure in purifying visions and thoughts in the Sultan of Zangebar's journey written by 'Zaher bin Said' had also commented on it, the study title is for obtaining MA degree at Nazwa University, the research consisted of the introduction, four chapters and a
conclusion, it has adopted the structural method in narrative analysis for the journey' presentation that which concerns the study of the external structure for the journey without affecting the context or the core.
Chapter( 1 )under the title (narrative structure) it displays the small narrative units and its relationship with other big units in the other chapters from the journey's presentation, and the chapter(2) deals with the narrative visions in the two levels (the place and the ideology), it explores the considerations of the observations' location and the referral places that curries multi indications of thoughts, chapter (3) viewing the narrators' strategy according to its five functions O co-coordinative, communicative, educational, ideological
and indicative functions besides the narrator's strategy in co-ordinating the time, in which the time paradoxes between the story actual time (travelling tale) and the narrative time illustrated, chapter (4) it studied European character according to (Sultan Bargash bin Said) the Sultan of (Zingbar) the research intended to balance this picture of European person to the one of the ruling family
such as: Miss Salma bint Said and he picked out the differences between each other self so as the result of that the different of creating the picture of other European has appeared clearly for them.
The study has resulted into many facts, the important results are:
The independency of the journey culture which makes it as a distinguished style, because its based on the time and place units and through them the narrative details is displayed, besides the overlap of different literary items based on fundamental travelling tale, in the style of addressing the journey we noticed two fields were participated: the scientific and the literary fields in addition to the report with the narrative and the poetry with the dissemination, all these factors constituted a unique literary style which is regarded as rare in its technical characteristics so this was so called (the culture of journeys), also one of the important results is applying the journey literature in order to explore the picture of other (learner) and the other is (educated) besides the other will be the subject of learning, this help in creating the surprising, the study has distinguished with many technical characteristics through the present or the a bcent of the narrator, also in the study there are different narrators that help to deal with the blog from other sides far from this study in addition to the study of others with deep notion.