English abstract
Urban form is the physical characteristic of the built-up area, where the urban areas
are performing as climate modifiers. A hot and humid city like Muscat, Sultanate of
Oman, is an example of a fast urbanized city. It is facing the challenge of livable and
walkable urban development, especially in the newly planned residential areas. Cars
are dominating newly planned residential areas, severely compromising pedestrian
mobility from the side of safety, connectivity, and comfort. On the other hand, peoples'
outdoor activities and the usage of the urban areas, especially streets, which are the
most viable feature of the urban design, are directly affected by the microclimate and
thus impact walkability.
This research investigates the influence of urban form on streets' walkability
conditions. It focuses on studying the streets fabrics of two different residential
development in Muscat. The study started with a theoretical review to understand the
relation between the urban form, microclimate aspects, and walkability conditions and
identify their matrices. The literature concluded by preparing an evaluation list that
helps compare and evaluate research's main factors.
The study then proceeds to a comparative analysis of the urban form and the
walkability conditions between the most common form of the new urban planning in
Muscat (Al Khoudh6) and the carefully designed gated residential settlement (AL
Mouj). In addition, at both locations, a climatic measurement occurred during the
transition season, where a comparative analysis of the resulting data is also covered.
The collected data are then evaluated, by using the introduced evaluation list, to find
the relation between urban form, microclimate aspects, and walkability conditions.
The results interpret that microclimate and walkability conditions are better in the
carefully designed settlement (Al Mouj), due to the proper urban form planning, that
implements the critical urban form indicators positively. In addition, results prove that
both microclimate and walkability conditions are significantly influencing pedestrian
comfort. The study concluded that the carefully designed urban form resulted in a
comfortable outdoor walkable area and positively influenced environmental
conditions. Finally, the study recommended some points to be considered during urban
planning and some solutions that can improve walkability conditions in the existing