English abstract
This study aims at investigating the effectiveness of a collective counseling program in developing self-concept among the students of the College of Education in Rustaq. The total number of participants is 366 male and female students who joined the College in the academic year 2007/2008. These students come from different specializations such as English Language, mathematics, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and History. A non-random sample of about 40 male and female students who scored the least marks on the self-concept measure was selected and distributed into two equal groups, experimental and control.
To examine the research hypotheses One Way ANOVA Test t-test, standard deviation and mean were used in the analysis of data. The results show the following:
There are no statistically significant differences in the means of both, the experimental and the control groups on the pre-test. This indicates that the two groups are equivalent before implementing the program. However, there are statistically significant differences in the means of both experimental and control groups on the post-test in favor of the experimental group. This is a very good indicator of the effectiveness of the counseling program. there are statistically significant differences in the means of both experimental and control groups on the post-test in favor of the experimental group. Comparing between males and females, there are some considerable distinctions in the mediums due to the social diversity.