English abstract
This descriptive study aimed to investigate teachers' perception of the
effectiveness of the New Teachers' Training Program (NTTP) on their practice of
technology integration using the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge
(TPACK framework) as the main instrument. The TPACK framework is one of the
leading frameworks used to evaluate teachers' knowledge of the effective integration
skills of technology with pedagogy and content. The study used a quantitative descriptive
approach to collect data through a survey that included three domains (TPK, TCK, and
TPACK) based on the TPACK framework.
The study's sample consisted of 304 new teachers, namely those who were in their
first two to three years of their career and have completed the training program (Batch 7)
during the academic year of 2021/2022 in the Specialized Institute for Professional
Training of Teachers (SIPTT).
The study's findings indicated that the new teachers within the sample reported a
high level of positive perceptions of the effectiveness of the New Teachers Training
Program on teachers' integration of technology into teaching practices. In addition, the
study found a statistically significant difference in technology integration between
teachers of human science subjects and applied subjects in favor of the human science
teachers. Besides, the findings also showed no significant differences between teachers in
technology integration in terms of schools' level. Finally, the results suggest that the
NTTP may be most effective when it aims to improve teachers' teaching practices and
enhance their teaching integration skills.
In light of these findings, the thesis concluded with some implications and
recommendations for further studies.