English abstract
The right to education is considered a renewable human right that almost
constitutions and various laws are addressing such provisions regulating this issue,
and the reason for this right is a measure of the civilization and progress of the society
of any country.
Starting from this point, our study is focusing on the constitutional and legal
right protection for the right of the child in learning in the Sultanate of Oman,
compared with his peers in Egypt for making use of the Egyptian experience; to fitful
the gap in the Omani legal system.
Therefore, this study has been divided into two chapters in addition to the
preamble which shows the nature of the child's right in learning, in terms of defining
the concept of the right of the child in education and its importance, objectives and
As the first chapter, it address the legal regulation for the child in learning,
however, it addresses the right of the child internationally, regionally, constitutionally
and legally in the issue of education and learning, characteristics of the child's right to
education and its relationship to other rights, the legal confrontation of the
phenomenon of school dropout. In this context, the second chapter addresses the legal
protection for this right and the position which includes the constitutional judiciary for
the child's right to education. The Egyptian and Omani administrative judiciary
position from protecting the right of the child in education, so, I followed in this study
a comparative analytical methodology, putting basics for this matter, resulted in the
end of the study to a set of findings and recommendations.