English abstract
This study sought to examine the Omani youth's uses of paid TV services, the
motives and the factors affecting it, in order to determine the gratifications
achieved, in light of uses and gratifications approach.
The study is one of the descriptive and explorative studies that relies on survey
method, using the questionnaire tool, which was distributed electronically to a
sample of 480 individuals of Omani youth from the age of 18 to 35. It targeted
the different groups of society, males and females, as well as different jobs,
governorates, levels of income and education.
The study showed that, the most important aspect is that more than half of the
Omani youth (the research sample) watch paid TV services, and that young males
represent the majority of them.
"Individual viewing" represents the dominant viewing pattern of the research
sample, and the viewing rate reaches two or three days per week, and one hour to
less than three hours per day. The study concluded that "Netflix" is the most
watched paid TV service among respondents, followed by "beIN Sports", then
"YouTube premium" service.
The results of the study indicate that personal subscription in paid TV services
was the dominant one among the sample members, the smartphone topped the list
of devices that the sample members preferred to watch these services through,
and the smart TV came in second place. Movies and series are the most watched
content among Omani youth (the research sample) on paid TV services.