English abstract
The Omani Dockyard (OD) requires the development of a research methodology, which encompasses an assistive framework to maintain the research boundary to support a research framework. A research framework is developed to understand the behaviour of variables. A deductive/quantitative – survey questionnaire is employed in the main research to statistically understand the 'mindsets/opinions' of a large population and an inductive/qualitative – semi-structured interview using selected senior managers for the total research. Another questionnaire was used to critically learn from the agreement of the senior managers if the proposed contributions were in line with the ships' upkeep and repair 'organisational performance'. The initial and most definitive requirement is also to understand the strength of independent and mediation constructs applicability for the enhancement of performance. The problem is in the area of 'enhancement of organisational learning on knowledge and competencies' to underpin ships' upkeep and repair support performance for better availability of operational ships. This research methodology was designed for a 'major piece of research' involving a doctorate dissertation in ships' support performance. The conclusion and recommendation for a 'major piece of research' formulated the framework/model to underpin performance. This study concentrates on the research methodology that was used for ships' upkeep and repair performance of the Omani dockyard with a compressive description of the total results, which can be generalized for other studies.