English abstract
The study deals with the agricultural activity in Oman during
the period (3-6 AH / 9-12 AD) with its existing facilities such as aflaj,
or the work system in the cultivation of palm trees or planting, and the
exchange needed by all of this between production, services and
marketing, in addition to crafts and skills. Associated with agricultural
activity, and studying the activity of workers in some crafts and
professions supporting agricultural activity, directly or indirectly, such
as workers specialized in digging aflaj and wells, workers in the
manufacture of agricultural tools, or construction specialists, and the
main production unit in all of that.
In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the researchers
followed the historical method in tracing the primary material from its
sources, then subjecting it to analysis. The inductive method was also used to treat jurisprudential texts from their sources and analyze them
to reach historical conclusions, drawing a clear picture of the nature of
agricultural activity and its impact on economic life during the era of
the subject of the study.
The study reached several conclusions, including: that the
agricultural activity in Amman during the study period was an
economic actor, pivotal in production, a fundamental pillar in
achieving food security for the community, and important in providing
their luxury needs. An important incubator for many of their
handicrafts, crafts and industries, and for the stability it provided for
them, in addition, it formed an important part of the identity of the
people of Oman abroad.