English abstract
Since its existence, humanity has not stopped inventing the endless forms within which it is organized. Whether this circumvention around the link of belief - culture - kinship, or group, or sect, or city, or empire, then the state as the last form that assumes any embrace of identity. And if we accept the fact of polygamy as an inevitable historical fact; The problem remains regarding the ability to establish the solid link that secures the inexhaustible link between this multiplicity that characterizes the human community, and makes it equal to the word regarding the importance of unity and co-existence that is not counted by nuclear affiliations. Rather, the issue continues to get complicated when we contemplate how the rope of harmony breaks within a homogeneous cultural horizon, and even the vessel of the state itself has not succeeded in a promising manner in melting the pluralism that erects internally, but rather the matter intensifies when we suffer a continuous tendency towards fragmenting the vessel itself that unites parts of certain identity. What can we do in the face of this eagerness to translate existence into a nuclear translation, and that is on the horizon of reaching the level of intimacy among all the inhabitants of the world, regardless of their affiliation?