English abstract
The Jiddat al Harasis (JaH) 422 ureilite was found in the Sultanate of Oman; it is classified as a ureilitic impact melt breccia. The meteorite consists of rounded polycrystalline olivine clasts (35%), pores (8%), and microcrystalline matrix (57%). Clasts and matrix have oxygen isotopic values and chemical compositions (major and trace elements) characteristic of the ureilite group. The matrix contains olivine (Fo83-90), low-Ca pyroxene (En84-92Wo0-5), augite (En71-56Wo20-31), graphite, diamond, Fe-metal, sulfides, chromite, and felsic glass. Pores are partly filled by secondary Fe-oxihydroxide and desert alteration products. Pores are surrounded by strongly reduced silicates. Clasts consist of fine-grained aggregates of polygonal olivine. These clasts have an approximately 250μm wide reaction rim, in which olivine composition evolves progressively from the core composition (Fo79-81) to the matrix composition (Fo84-87). Veins crossing the clasts comprise pyroxene, Fe-oxihydroxide, C-phases, and chromite. Clasts contain Ca-, Al-, and Cr-rich glass along olivine grain boundaries (<1μm wide). We suggest that a significant portion of JaH 422, including olivine and all the pyroxenes, was molten as a result of an impact. In comparison with other impact-melted ureilites, JaH 422 shows the highest melt portion. Based on textural and compositional considerations, clasts and matrix probably originated from the same protolith, with the clasts representing relict olivine that survived, but was recrystallized in the impact melt. During the melt stage, the high availability of FeO and elevated temperatures controlled oxygen fugacity at values high enough to stabilize olivine with Fo~83-87 and chromite. Along pores, high Mg# compositions of silicates indicate that in a late stage or after melt crystallization FeO became less available and fO2 conditions were controlled by C-CO+CO2.