English abstract
Bowring and others (2007) presented a compilation of high-precision U-Pb zircon
ages (both detrital and from ash beds) of the exceptionally well preserved Late
Neoproterozoic-Early Cambrian Huqf Supergroup of Oman. Given the general lack of
precise geochronological data of the Late Neoproterozoic, the data of Bowring and
others (2007) represent an important contribution to the understanding and time
calibration of this period of Earth history, which records some highly enigmatic
features such as the occurrence of low-latitude glaciations, extreme perturbations of
the carbon cycle and the evolution of metazoans. The work by Bowring and others
(2007) puts the Huqf Supergroup on the map as one of the geochronologically best
constrained sections of its age and makes it an invaluable comparison for other Late
Neoproterozoic successions around the world.