أثر تجاوز سعر السوق في العقود (دراسة مقارنة بين الفقه الإسلامي والقانون الوضعي).
مجلة الدراسات الفقهية والقانونية. ع. 2. ص. 1-57.
درباله، ياسر محمد إبراهيم.
Original title
أثر تجاوز سعر السوق في العقود(دراسة مقارنة بين الفقه الإسلامي والقانون الوضعي).
English abstract
Since financial treatments are on the top priority of individuals, people are much engaged in developing the ethics of such treatments. Financial treatment depends on two parties: buyers and sellers. The interaction between them both paves the way for the birth of price market that ought to express the actual value of goods. In a sense, the obligatory dimension of contracts denotes that the two parties must stick to the articles of the contract; otherwise, the contract will be cancelled. That is why the paper at hand examines not only the importance of price market, but also the ethics that distinguish Islamic economy from the traditional one. To achieve this objective, the study adopts two methods of approach: analytic and comparative. While the former enables the researcher to criticize, interpret and estimate the ABCs of market price, the latter helps one compare Islamic economic judgments with those of law.