English abstract
No one denies that the crimes of harassment and sexual abuse are among the oldest ones committed in history at all. They happened before the emergence of organized society and before the emergence of the first structures of the concept of law in the form we know today. The evaluation of behavior, from the perspective of morality, is preceded by the idea of criminalizing the same behavior; the prohibition at first was related to traditions and heavenly laws, while criminalization was later associated with law. The offense of harassment, as stipulated by the Saudi Anti-Harassment Law, is defined as: any statement, act or sign of a sexual connotation, issued by a person to any other person, affecting his body or honour, or obscene by any means, including modern technology. There is no doubt that the crime of sexual harassment has seen its rates rise and spread in the Arab world significantly, especially with the development of means of communication and modern technologies, and ease of use among people. However, these modern techniques have been misused to achieve legally prohibited purposes, such as sexual harassment, which has contributed greatly to the spread of this crime in the Arab world. Since this crime represents a flagrant violation of the dignity and honor of the victim, which is the most important that all human have, all the laws and regulations put forward criminalization in order to preserve human dignity and honour regarding all forms of unlawful violations and attacks. However, the problem arises because it is difficult to prove this crime, because it is of particular nature, as many of the victims of sexual abuse are reluctant to inform the authorities in order to preserve their reputations. This has helped many perpetrators to escape punishment. The crime of sexual harassment is considered a silent and hidden crime. So it was called "crimes with a black number". The Islamic Penal Code granted the judge broad discretion to determine the appropriate punishment for the crime of sexual harassment in accordance with the public interest, in a manner that does not violate Sharia. On the other hand, the positive law has set certain penalties for the judge which he cannot go beyond, and these penalties are usually insufficient to denounce the offender and deter others. In order to effectively combat this crime, the efforts of all sectors, groups and institutions of the State, as well as civil society organizations, such as associations and trade unions, must be combined with their role in spreading awareness among people about how to combat this crime. The religious and educational institutions play a major role in combating sexual harassment by urging people to have good manners, and discard offensive behaviors, such as harassment. These institutions are working to instill the teachings of true religion in all walks of society.