أثر خلو الحكم القضائي من بيان قواعد إصداره : دراسة تحليلية مقارنة بين القانون المصري والقانون العماني.
مجلة الدراسات الفقهية والقانونية. ع. 10. ص. 1-73.
محمد، عبدالله عبد الحي الصاوي.
Original title
أثر خلو الحكم القضائي من بيان قواعد إصداره : دراسة تحليلية مقارنة بين القانون المصري والقانون العُماني.
English abstract
This dissertation seeks to establish a framework and to reach a decisive conclusion about the rules of rendering the judicial judgment. That to emphasizes initially it’s a mandatory rule should be respected and the legal consequences of its disregarding. Then will move to discuss the main issue which is to have a judgment silent about clarifying these rules, does this render the judgment null or not; At that point, we will section the research into two parties, the first does not render the judgment null, that because of presumption of validity and applying of the main principle that says the presume the procedural rules has been followed. The second section will leave it null, the consequences of its nullity will be also sectioned into two parties, the first will escape nullity because the main purpose of the rule has been satisfied and the second will not. To that end the research will be briefly addressed the legal impact of rendering the judicial judgment without mentioning the governing rules of its issuance.