English abstract
This study aimed to analyze the content of the physics curriculum for the ninth and tenth grades in the Sultanate of Oman in the field of future skills. The study sample was represented in the Physics student book in both grades of the edition 2021. The method used in this study was the descriptive analytical method, and the tool was an analysis card, whereas the content consisted of 41 indicators distributed over eight (8) sub-skills.
The results showed that all future skills were included in the physics curriculum for the ninth and tenth grades, in varying proportions. However, it was found that the percentage of including creativity and innovation skills in the curriculum was the highest.
In comparison, the percentage of including the skill of flexibility and adaptation was minimal in both grades. The results also showed statistically significant differences of (α≤0.05) for the extent of future skills in the Physics student book of the ninth grade. Therefore, the study came up with some recommendations and suggestions, such as; enriching the physics student books with future skills for both grades.
Furthermore, to maintain the skills necessary to be learned by students according to the Omani National Framework for Future Skills and their development in the school curricula. Also, it is recommended to conduct further research on the possibility of including future skills in other curricula at different grades. Moreover, work to strengthen the strengths, reconsider the weaknesses in physics books, and direct the curriculum specialists at the Ministry of Education to consider future skills in designing physics curricula for the post-basic stage.