Stygofauna of Oman, 1 a new freshwater stygobiont Cyathura (isopoda, anthuridae), from interstitia of coarse wadi sediments in Oman.
Annales de Limnologie. v. 33, 2, p. 79-84
English abstract
A well-characterized new species of Cyathura (Stygocyathura) is described from the underflow of a wadi in Oman where a large population is present. Sixteen species have been attributed to this entirely stygobiont subgenus; they are either from the Caribbean - Gulf of Mexico region, or from the western Pacific, whereas a single species has been recorded from the realm of the Indian Ocean: C. (S.) milloti Chappuis, Delamare and Paulian from Reunion Island. The new species could be remotely related to C. (S.) milloti.
DOI: 10.1051/limn/1997011